Graduate Medical Education Information

Graduate Medical Education Information

The residents are employed by the Detroit Medical Center and are trained by faculty in the Department of Medicine. The Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) of the DMC governs all residency programs. Members of the DMC-GME are appointed using the ACGME guidelines by the Designated Institutional Official (DIO), and consist of all Program Directors, Associates Program Directors of each sole sponsored DMC residency programs, resident representatives, and other DIO designated appointees. The GME reports through the DIO to the Chief Medical Officer of the Detroit Medical Center. The Program Director and Associate Program Directors of the Sinai-Grace Hospital Internal Medicine residency program serve as members of DMC-GME. In addition, two residents from the house staff council also serve in this committee. 

The GMEC has the responsibility for monitoring and advising on all aspects of residency education in the solely sponsored DMC programs. The GME council is responsible for establishing and monitoring policies for the GME programs through the following process: 

• GMEC Maintains oversight and liaison with the programs to assess compliance with ACGME requirements. 

• Ensure that programs follow written criteria for selection, evaluation, promotion and dismissal of residents; ensuring that residents can raise matters of concern without fear of reprisal.

• Making funding recommendations. 

• Monitor duty hours and work environments of residents.

• Assure that program curricula meet standards. 

The GME utilizes information obtained during internal reviews and feedback from program directors and resident to ensure that appropriated policies are in place and educational and work environment issues are addressed promptly. Dr. Jarrett Weinberger as the Chair of the GMEC, and DIO, periodically meets with the program directors and residency operations committees to oversee the operations of the residency programs. Dr. Lisa Dillon from GME Administrative services is in frequent contact with the program directors and coordinators.

We are the leading academically integrated delivery system in metropolitan Detroit and the largest health care provider in Southeast Michigan. DMC facilities employ best practices and conduct business in an atmosphere of respect and professionalism. Our volunteer efforts in health education and disease prevention represent an ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of the communities we serve. From the founding of Children’s Hospital in 1886 to the creation of the first mechanical heart at Harper Hospital 50 years ago, to our compassion for the underserved, our legacy of caring is unmatched.

The Department of Internal Medicine is the largest department at Sinai-Grace Hospital. All subspecialties of Internal Medicine are represented in the program. Full-time faculty is available for the residents to provide assistance in clinical decision-making, career planning, and individual counseling. Our training program puts education first over the service needs of the hospital. Residents admit a limited number of patients, both to learn from the cases and allow time to read on these cases. We rigorously follow the ACGME Residency Review Committee (RRC) rules, such as duty hours, conference attendance, and days off, that are tracked through a computerized “New Innovation program.”

Our residency program offers its residents a comprehensive mandatory academic training in a variety of settings.

They include:

Ambulatory health experience

Critical care hands-on training

Well-being programs

Dialysis experience

Comprehensive structured medical education curriculum

Monthly house-staff meeting with the program directors

Ambulatory grand rounds

Business seminar education

Evidence-based medicine curriculum

 Research/Scholarly training

Resident’s research day

Emergency lecture series 

Weekly board review course

Monthly web-based exam

Annual comprehensive exam

Annual in-training examination

Morbidity/mortality conference

Journal club

Advisor/advisee program

Monthly evaluation/feedback 

Supervised procedure training


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